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A competency index is required to qualify for an engineer’s notebook or a career notebook that can only be prepared by the Association of Construction Engineers, but what is the method if the degree and certificate are not prepared for that certificate?

If you don’t have a competency index, you can’t receive a notebook called an engineer’s notebook or a personal history notebook.The competency index refers to the score that is recognized according to the category when you register your degree, certificate, and background in the major you want, but most people who lack the competency index according to the requirements in their notebooks will not have a degree or certificate.There is no other way to quickly fill your career because you have accumulated scores according to the number of days, but those who have no educational background and are not ready for a certificate can get a high score at once.In this connection, the credit banking system allows you to obtain a degree and certificate without going to university and prepare for a 50-point competency index separately from your career.

Since the placement criteria of field agents vary depending on the grade of the notebook, the grade of the notebook must be determined according to the size of the construction site.If you need less than 500 million field agents, if you need less than 3 billion field agents, if you need less than 10 billion intermediate field agents, if you need less than 30 billion field agents, you need a limited express.Depending on the grade of each notebook, only those with 35, 55, 65, and 75 points can qualify for the competency index starting with beginners.With degrees and certificates alone, you can aim for 60 points, and you can prepare up to 50 points for the credit banking system without any background.The credit banking system allows students to graduate regardless of university by accumulating major, liberal arts, and general credits depending on the basis of the degree selected by the students.

The three types of credits required for degrees and certificates are provided by accredited lifelong education centers, but are divided into online and offline classes.Offline classes are divided into daytime, nighttime, and weekend courses, so if you select a time zone where learners can attend, you can only take classes at that time.The credit banking system we already know is legally the same as the general university system, so I think it will be difficult for non-professionals to complete the credits.Those with a high school or higher education can do it without a transfer course, and those who are preparing for a new study at a late age can easily adjust the difficulty level to follow from a non-professional perspective.You can adjust your study schedule to suit yourself, so even those who don’t have enough time to go to work can do it without difficulty.

The credits required for the degree and certificate are as follows.The two-year bachelor’s degree is 45 credits, 15 credits in liberal arts, 20 credits in general, and 50 credits in general, and 80 credits and 140 credits in general are completed.Since there are no requirements for the duration of the course, the curriculum period can be adjusted according to the speed and process of satisfying the credits. Individuals can get a short period of 1-2 years.

The credit banking system allows you to accumulate major, liberal arts, and general credits in various forms and qualifications so that you can prepare your degree and certificate for a period of one to two years.You can use it as a credit, including a major certificate. Self-taught teachers can take 5-6 subjects from 1st to 4th, but you can shorten the duration of lifelong education by preparing 4-5 credits per subject.There are times when students want to take classes only because the course itself is complicated. However, it is recommended that students get credits including university, certificate, and self-taught teacher because they cannot fill the credits quickly due to semester restrictions.Of course, it may seem complicated and difficult because it’s my first time, but it can be done with a group of supporting people because it serves as a guide to individual learning directions.

It is not a structure that costs money to ask a mentor for help in learning.Salespeople may ask for expenses in some cases, but mentors who belong to credit authorization agencies do not ask for expenses in any case.However, I am always in charge of 1:1 learning management so that I can guide the curriculum and safely proceed with the curriculum that I guided from the perspective of the learners.Whenever you need help, you can get help quickly if you ask for help, and support for it is free until the end of the curriculum.The number of cases in which a unit banking system is sought because of the insufficient competency index is increasing every year.For more information, please feel free to contact us online and offline for assistance.Previous Image Next ImagePrevious Image Next ImagePrevious Image Next Image

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