If you don’t give up on infertility clinics and work hard

If you don’t give up on infertility clinics and work hard

Hello. In the past, it was very natural for married couples to get pregnant. However, as values have changed significantly recently, many people did not plan to get pregnant because they wanted to live as Dink. Therefore, the birth rate in Korea was gradually decreasing due to this, but this was not the only reason.

Many couples desperately want it, but natural pregnancy is not as easy as expected, so if you are having trouble trying to get pregnant, it would have been better to conduct tests through infertility oriental medicine clinics to find the cause of natural pregnancy and start proper management.

<1>if spontaneous pregnancy is difficult

Women’s social activities have also become very active in modern society, so their careers have become very important. As a result, many people delayed pregnancy due to concerns about the disconnection of their careers after pregnancy and childbirth or economic reasons. So, the pregnancy plan was delayed as much as marriage, but this had a negative impact on future pregnancy plans. In general, reproductive function was bound to deteriorate slightly due to aging when people over 35 years old, but it was true that natural pregnancy was difficult because more people planned for elderly pregnancy.

In addition, various other causes weakened overall health and reproductive health, but women’s reproductive health was bound to suffer from natural pregnancy in modern society as various physical factors including age were combined.

<2>because of various causes

However, there were cases where the reason why natural pregnancy was difficult was almost exclusively for women, but in fact, there were factors that prevented pregnancy in men at the same rate as women. In fact, both men and women should have a thorough examination through infertility oriental medicine clinics if their pregnancies do not go well compared to their efforts, as pregnancy should be supported by ovulation to egg and sperm quality. Through this, it was good to find the cause of obstruction of pregnancy, correct it, and start proper management so that hormones in the body work properly, so it was good to thoroughly prepare before planning pregnancy.In particular, as it can make pregnancy difficult not only due to physical function problems but also severe stress, bad eating habits, lifestyle habits, obesity, etc., we could expect a better positive prognosis if correct lifestyle correction was added.<3>because it’s never an easy processNo matter how small the number of eggs is, it was not difficult to get pregnant if the quality was good. “However, it was better to be careful not only because of aging, but also because the quality may decrease.” Even if it is not an old pregnancy, there may be internal defects that you do not know, so if you plan to get pregnant, it would have been better to check objective hormone levels rather than judging fertility only by your visible health or menstrual cycle.Therefore, if there were no major problems in that part, it was necessary to check whether the thickness or implantation power of the uterus would decrease, because healthy ovaries and uterine conditions should be established without defects in the body.<4>even with auxiliary reproductive techniquesRecently, as medical technology has improved, many couples have considered auxiliary reproductive techniques. However, if I prepared this in a hurry without any countermeasures, I was able to repeat it many times because it was less likely than I thought. In particular, if there was a clear defect in the ovary, uterus, or sperm, it would have been a waste of time as well as physical and mental fatigue, but women should have considered it carefully because secondary problems such as hormonal changes could occur.Above all, even if a pregnancy is established, it can lead to miscarriage, so even if you try to perform such auxiliary reproductive techniques, finding obstacles to pregnancy through oriental medicine management in advance helped reduce the number of attempts.<5>Through oriental medicine care that actively reflects individual differencesTherefore, if you are struggling with natural pregnancy, we recommended that you actively support infertility oriental medicine clinics, but our hospital tried to find the cause of difficulty in pregnancy comprehensively by closely examining constitutional defects, air and blood circulation, reproductive health, underlying diseases.And I could see this, but I could see the right medicine, but we can help you make sure that you can help you make a better performance and make a better performance.So, I was glad to keep thinking about calm and I won’t stress, but I would like to see the I won program to see the hospitality.Based on this, we were able to use proper oriental medicine management, which of course takes a considerable amount of time, but we could look forward to a good prognosis as it helps improve the reproductive function and create a fertile uterine environment. So it would have been better to keep your mind calm and not get stressed, but especially recently, Iwon programs that induce natural pregnancy can be conducted, so if you are worried about this, please visit the hospital quickly for consultation.Previous Image Next ImagePrevious Image Next ImagePrevious Image Next ImagePrevious Image Next ImagePrevious Image Next Image

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